5 Reasons to Stay at Hotel Aquamer
1. Incredible Location
Book a stay in Baie-des-Chaleurs, one of the word’s most beautiful bay, located in Carleton-sur-Mer, Gaspésie.
Enjoy the wind-protected beaches, pleasant water, amazing landscapes, and villages offering a rich cultural background. People have been visiting this part of the peninsula for decades!
2. Quality-Price Ratio
Discover our 23 comfortable, cozy, and affordable rooms. You can also enjoy our outdoor terrace with an amazing view on the sea.
3. Stress Reduction
Benefit from a discount on Aquamer Thalasso-Spa services. Treat yourself with a break, a peaceful and intimate moment to relax.
4. Numerous Activities
Choose between many activities, like the morning guided hike on the seashore or in the mountains. A great way to begin your day and breathe fresh air.
You can also rent a bike to visit the region.
5. Breakfast is offered on site ($$)
Possibility to have breakfast on site at an additional cost.